Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sunlight and Fog: Return to Dundee Falls.

I can't explain 100% why, but, I love going to Dundee Falls near Dundee, OH.  I had heard about it but hadn't found it until this past year.  Seeing that the morning was sunny, I decided after dropping off Denise at work that I would head out there with the camera bag.  I am SO glad I did.  It was one of those times where you hope the lighting and environment is set up a certain way and when you get there, it is.  Today was that day.  Dundee Falls is a very interesting place.  It's actually public wildlife lands but it is not maintained.  There are cliffs, waterfalls, gorges and unfortunately trash and graffiti everywhere.  It's a place that I wish there was some sort of metropark system that could get funding to come in, clean it out and place some safe trails through there.  But, there is also a park of me that loves the rugged natural setting.  Regardless today worked out the way I wanted it to.  On the way home, I stopped through Zoar.  Of course.  Enjoy!

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