This weekends adventures in photography led us to the Cleveland Museum of Art. My wife and daughter, along with some friends of ours, wanted to go see the Rembrandt exhibit that is currently going on there. Myself on the other hand didn't feel like spending the cost of admission to see it.
I admit it. I'm not that much into art. But that changed. One of our friends who is a professor of humanities at a local college, didn't go in to the special exhibit either and offered to take me and my camera on the same tour he gives his students when they travel there. I was up for it and off we went. And I am really glad I did. There are some beautiful works of art at the museum and also some incredible bits of history. And from our conversations along the way, I learned some things and it gave me a deeper appreciate for what I was looking at. So, bravo Professor,(soon to be Doctor), Williams. It was most educational.